Chart of 144 Rabbit Coat Colors And Their Genotypes
Below is the most extensive color family chart on this website. It contains most of the rabbit colors you might think of, though there are some exceptions. For example, there are no “steel” colors listed. You can take any of the “E-” full-extension colors (e.g., black) and add “steel-tipped” to the name, changing the E to Es (The only exception is the chestnut, which is A- B- C- D- E-; if you change the “E” to “Es” the color is actually called “steel” rather than “steel-tipped chestnut”). There are no “tri” color rabbits on this chart either. This chart only uses the A, B, C, D, and E genes. The BEW gene, Broken gene, silver gene, Dutch gene, and Wide band gene are not included. You can find a more extensive list in “A book About Bunny Colors” — but this list will cover most of the colors you encounter. Note that the names of different colors vary a little from breed to breed, so feel free to ask us if you have a question about a color.
Each line on the chart contains one color family. They vary only by the color gene (C, cchd, cchl ch or c). The genotypes are listed with dashes for a missing equally dominant or less dominant gene. Notice that the far right column contains “REW” regardless of the other genes involved.